Fast Unfall mit Krankenwagen, wer hat Schuld?
So, ich stehe immer noch ein bisschen unter Schock. Ich habe vorhin fast einen Unfall mit einem Krankenwagen gebaut, aber ich bin mir sicher dass es nicht meine Schuld war. Jetzt frage ich mich die ganze Zeit ob das stimmt. Ich erkläre euch mal schnell das Szenario:
Ich stehe in einer Seitenstraße mit Ampel und will auf die Hauptstraße fahren (T-Kreuzung). Ich kriege Grün, schaue einmal links rechts zur Sicherheit und biege schließlich nach links ab. Auf der Gegenspur stehen ungefähr 5 Autos hintereinander an der roten Ampel. Ein Krankenwagen ist weder zu sehen noch zu hören. Nun bin ich mit der Kurve fertig und ungefähr auf Höhe des ersten Autos vor der roten Ampel. In diesem Moment schaltet sich ein Martinshorn an und ein Krankenwagen schert direkt hinter den wartenden Autos aus und fährt direkt auf mich zu. Hätte ich nicht direkt reagiert und wäre rechts auf den Fußweg gefahren (zum Glück war der Bordstein an der Stelle abgesenkt und es befanden sich keine Fußgänger an der Stelle) hätte es einen Frontalzusammenstoß gegeben. Der Krankenwagen hat nichtmal ansatzweise gebremst. Also ist jetzt meine Frage, wäre ein Unfall die Schuld vom Krankenwagen gewesen weil er das Martinshorn nicht rechtzeitig angemacht hat und ich durch die zusätzlich versperrte Sicht keinerlei Möglichkeit hatte den Krankenwagen auch nur zu erahnen?
Vielen Dank schonmal im Voraus für eure Beiträge!
The ambulance is guilty. Sure they want to get to the horn as soon as possible but sometimes you can’t react so quickly or make room and they can’t just get rid of boards and say you’re guilty. I was a pedestrian at a traffic light with some other people. It was green and we went out as a patrol truck arrived with siren. I stayed on the street to let her through but a few others were dreamed or heard music. Should the patrol car have gone over? They still arrive quickly with their signal, but it does not always run smoothly. They’ll see the siren wrong.
Okay, that’s good to hear. Even though I have to contradict you. If you don’t hear the sirens through music in your ears you can count on a fine of up to 200€ and 2 points in the Flensburg. That’s true for car and cyclists at least. I don’t know how pedestrians are. Shouldn’t be a problem. But really inconceivable what they do. Even with Sirene you are not God.
Yeah, so I was standing, don’t listen to music on the way. There were some other people dreamed, the police only showed them the bird. 😁
It is difficult to judge, but an ambulance must also adhere to certain traffic rules and must not endanger other road users blindly.
The sick car in any case, in such a street, he must permanently touch the sirens and Martinshorn as far as I know (my father is the doctor)
Of course, he does not have to do this constantly, but basically “recommended” the Martinshorn and blue light to the other road users only to make room, there is no built-in way.
Sirene and Martinshorn are not a “recommendation” to make the way clear, but then a duty – special rights free, by the way
so much nonsense in such a short set…
Okay, thanks for the explanation!
there is a difference between special law (§ 35 stvo) and fair (§ 38 stvo)
a member of the ffw with his private passenger car on the way to the mission to exceed the highest speed, to use a red traffic light, etc. There is no need for a special signal system. You never have to go ahead automatically and still have to watch (heavy) on everyone else, since nobody can know that you are on the go straight. what happens, you’re merciless to blame, and that’s how it helps zeroonix.
a vehicle with blue light and martinhorn on the road must be admitted to the fair. that is then the built-in advance.
Yes, the term “special rights” is familiar to me. Once I was on the road with a federal rifle vehicle, a police officer frustrated me if I needed special rights. Then I should have been able to drive faster without blue light. But I just didn’t claim and had to pay for my speed exceeding;-)
But I can’t find the source for the “recommended” anymore, but I’m quite sure to have read this once (and have been found strangely at that time).
I’ll say, “Progress within the limits given by physics.” If I’m driving on the road at 100 km/h and suddenly an ambulance comes from a side street….