Fasching in der Kinderkrippe, Thema Zauberwald: welche Tiere könnten da wohnen?

Wir haben dieses Jahr das Thema Zauberwald zu Fasching. Nun würde ich gerne mal wissen, was da eigentlich für Tiere wohnen bzw wohnen könnten?

Hatte für mich als Verkleidung an eine Eule oder einen Pfau gedacht?

Und bräuchte verschiedene Zauberwaldbewohner für ein Lied

Danke für eure Hilfe

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9 years ago

Dragons, mythical creatures such as elves, dwarves and trolls (are not animals, but also belong to them, as well as the good old witch or fairies)

9 years ago

Absolutely unicorn! They exist in every magic forest, but people can’t normally see them, so hardly anyone knows that;-) But please, no unicorns with wings, there is no such thing.

Otherwise there are mice, fly mushrooms, squirrels, spiders and owls in every magic forest. Fairies, elves, trolls, dwarves, wolves, bats or forest frogs live in larger magic forests. Sometimes witches or magicians. As well as the normal forest animals like deer, birds and rabbits.

That’s what I think about the quick… But I haven’t been in a magic forest forever. It’s a pity that it’s so rare to be an adult;-)

As a disguise, I would definitely find thematic owl better than peacock (Pfauen are more held by princesses, while owls are by magicians, which fits better here). But actually, I would find a costume as a “good beautiful witch” even better or even something medieval.

9 years ago

How about the little sand and friends?

  • Mr Fuchs
  • Mrs Elster
  • the two friends Mauz and Hoppel (in the beginning only called cats and cocks)
  • Ms. Igel and her son Borstel
  • the wise Uncle Uhu
  • Master Black Rock, the Rabe
  • Putzi, the squirrel
  • Hugo, the roof
  • White ear, the nephew of Mr Fuchs
  • Rotpelz, Uncle by Mr Fuchs
  • Mr Bibermann
  • Master Silk Fur
  • Buddelflink, the mole
  • Gertrud, the mouse
  • Pieps & sniffs; detective
  • Pittiplat
  • Snattery
  • Dog Moppi
  • Bummi bear
  • Bear Mixed Cat
  • Bear Brummel

It is clear that I grew up in the GDR! 🙂

9 years ago
Reply to  sommerfrage

Magic Forest: !

9 years ago

Immediately Einhorn falls in.

Squirrels, fox, hedgehogs and such animals also fit.

9 years ago

Small animals…Eichhörnchen or mice… unicorns always arrive good (especially with the girls)

9 years ago

Hearing, gripping, pegasus, phoenix

9 years ago

look at the picture there are animals from the magic forest