Farbratte entlaufen?
mir ist eine Ratte abgehauen, weil der Käfig leider nicht richtig zu gemacht wurde. Die Ratte läuft jetzt seit ca. 1 Wochen schon bei uns im Keller aber wir bekommen Sie nicht gefangen. Wir haben schon eine lebendfalle aufgestellt die ist immer zu aber die Ratte leider nicht drin.
Ich bzw. wir wissen nicht mehr was wir noch probieren sollen um sie zu fangen.
So, if the rat isn’t halfway, I would first reduce the space they can conquer as much as possible. So locate where it is approximate to all doors, if possible erect shut-offs to reduce the movement space. Remove dangerous objects from the area, or poisonous things they would like to eat.
Then put in a cage or as large as possible a transport box. The best thing she hasn’t had any negative experiences yet. Open up with possibility to come in comfortably. In there feed, water and comfortable sleeping place with hiding option. I want you to suggest security in there. There used nesting material from the rest of her pack pure (that hopefully exists).
Thank you.
I will definitely try it this way because we try to catch the feelings for hours a day since about 1 week.
So? Rat caught?
cool, happy!
The tactics worked well we had them in about 30 min.
Thanks for the tip or Help
Great, happy! Did the tactics work or did something else work?
Yes, thank you very much!