Farbmaus: Geschlechtsverkehr oder doch kampf?

Hey, hab ein riesen Problem meine weibliche maus hat gestern oder heute morgen ihre Babys bekommen aber seid ca. 30 Minuten quietscht sie nur und Papa Maus steigt ständig auf ihr eben wie bei Geschlechtsverkehr. Problem Mama Maus scheint nicht begeistert zu sein rennt regelrecht panisch weg und versteckt sich zitternd in Haus . Ich kann die beiden nicht trennen weiß nicht wohin und meine Eltern schlafrn schon aber was soll ich machen?

Papa Maus ist auch total wuschig aufgebracht Dominat und so

Bitte brauche dringend Hilfe

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3 years ago

He mates when he cleanses himself right after this “fight” at the bottom.

No great and smart idea to hold only 1.1. Give Dad’s mouse off and get you when the babies are old enough to give off, only female mice, otherwise you’ll suffocate in mice soon.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jenny905

If you’re planning a breeding, you’re planning a breeding. What do you think you’re a wish-winner? The mouse has just – how much? 10 boy? – got and is popped right back because you have no idea about “breeding”. What you do not grow, but multiply. So see that you’ll swing your ass into a zoo business tomorrow and buy the male a second cage.

3 years ago

that they are held in a cage is a no go

3 years ago

That is why one should not buy animals in a zoo store, because they usually come from a more than irresponsible reproduction site.

3 years ago

Now calm down. You can express yourself just as politely, I can understand why you’re mad, but that doesn’t have to be real.

3 years ago

It’s a fight for the mother. Or do you mean they’re trembling in the corner for fun? she laughs, doesn’t she? Read a few books before you think about breeding and don’t let people who seem to have no idea.

3 years ago

Well, JENNY. You think about it, you get animals. How would you feel if you were banged by a man right after you just pushed your child out? Your vaginal tissue is cunning, bleeding, you’re stuck with the nerves and done, you have no more strength… And someone will ram you every minute…

Like someone like you should make a real driving license before he can keep animals, that’s really irresponsible. The mouse is fixed and all, and you’re still muting her. It’s time she’s probably in pain and can infect herself. CLASSIFIED.

3 years ago

where to start with such a irresponsible attitude. How many animals do you want to increase? Go to the sides of maeuseasyl, you get information.