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1 year ago

In the case of skin colors, this does not work like coffee, in which one pours milk 😂 Here it depends on which genes are as dominant. It can be that the child has the same skin color as only one parent.

1 year ago
  • The genes responsible for the skin colour are “launish”. …
  • … although “black” is mostly dominant.
  • Sometimes it can even happen that the “earth” of the properties surpasses one or two generations.
  • This means that with only “white” parents a black child can still be born by e.g. the genes of the grandfather.
1 year ago

No, not necessarily. In a black/white pair it can even happen that the first child is dark and the second child knows.

1 year ago

that is different and very individual to each child, as the person is. my child is also darker than the supposed “cut-out” and that is normal and we as a family are absolutely no matter how bright or dark someone is. the child is loved

1 year ago

The bandwidth goes via the complete color spectrum……

In my environment, the mother (milk coffee) and the father (fresh milk) had a son (fresh milk) in blond and African hair.

1 year ago

The child should be healthy.

What color it has is genetic lottery and no matter what comes out, it’s all right.

1 year ago

The skin color of the child can be either the skin color of the mother or the father or any shade in between