Fantasy Weltkarten erstellen kostenlos?
Hallo Leute,
ich schreibe bei Wattpad einen HighFantasy Roman. Es spielt in einer ausgedachten Welt und ich würde gerne eine Karte dafür erstellen, damit der Lese (und auch ich selbst) ein besseres Bild von der Welt hat.
Kann man das irgendwo kostenlos erstellen? Ich hatte eine Seite, aber die hat die schönsten Grafiken wie Vulkane ect. nicht kostenlos angeboten.
Vielleicht kennt sich jemand da aus.
There are many offers for free, e.g. incarnate. You don’t think far enough: such programs are only for personal use free. If you want to publish the maps created there somewhere, you need a license for it – and that costs of course.
The only open source software that would be known to me at the moment Azgaar. There you can also publicly spread and even commercialize your created graphics, but the functionality is also very limited.
In the end, you need to know what’s worth creating a card.
I have made a trial month for 5 Euros at Inkarnate and must say it is worth it. I also asked if you could use the tickets for commercial use. Yes, you may as long as you have created it yourself. What more do you want? Easy horny.