Fantasy-Geschichte Ideen?
Hello 🙂
Ich w,12 möchte eine neue Fantasy Geschichte schreiben und habe irgendwie keine Ideen für eine coole Story 🙁 Vielleicht hat ja jemand Ideen auch gerne Namensideen für Figuren oder Städte, Gegenstände etc.
Würde mich freuen, vielen Dank im voraus
Eure Nudel
If you don’t have your own ideas, you’re not suitable as an author.
The baker also does not run from door to door and asks for pastry pastry, but instead stirs the dough itself together.
I didn’t mean a suggestion as a proffisional book
That’s the same. You can’t write without ideas. And take away ideas from other people – then it is the story of other people but not yours.
The idea must come from you, but your main character could be Ella.
Yes I just meant to suggest
Make Fanfic a series, a movie or a book you like. There the characters and places are a bit pre-set.
Authors have to come to their own ideas, which makes an author.
So do I.
I know that but only as a hobby and just wanted a suggestion
Hobbyautor is also author. It’s not your hobby if you don’t want to let you think of ideas.