Fantastic Movie Film?
Is the movie Fantastic Movie good?
Is the movie Fantastic Movie good?
It doesn't have to be a drama film or something, nor a film that is too embellished, just briefly and concisely reflects what happens in reality, it can also be a gangster film, no matter what it is, the main thing is that you can connect something from the film with reality
Hello I remembered parts of a movie (at least I think it was a movie) where a group of students crashes on a bus and gets trapped in the snow (or a snow avalanche?). The bus sinks deeper and deeper into the snow, and a few students try to dig their way out of the…
Hey, I need help. I'm writing a fantasy novel about all kinds of creatures. In the land where the story takes place, there are 9 land states (sort of like federal states), but I can't think of any names for them. They are the following lands: 1. and 2. The so-called, centrally located Capitol. This…
Hello! I saw this "movie" once, and its memory keeps coming back to me. I think it was shown on Kika around 11 a.m.? I have no idea if Kika produced it. At the beginning, we had a setting set in the present, with several teenagers. We established their relationships with each other. I think…
It depends on the taste. The film is still behind other parody films like Scary Movie, Date Movie and the like.
However, it is not so funny to my taste, but rather more so than more brutal. You could say the movies beat a little about the strict ones.
Meiner Meinung nach absolut nicht und mit einer Wertung von 2,4/10 auf IMDb, ist dies auch die Meinung der meisten anderen!
Nicht zu vergleichen mit Filmen wie “Scary Movie 1 & 2” oder den “Die nackte Kanone”-Filmen, die tatsächlich lustig sind.
Eher im Bereich “Disaster Movie” (1,9/10), “Date Movie” (2,8/10), “Meine Frau, die Spartaner und ich” (2,8/10), “Die Maske 2” (2,3/10), “George, der aus dem Dschungel kam 2” (3,3/10) oder ähnlich schlechten Komödien zu vergleichen!
The FIlm is in the field of animals, comedy. He’s entertaining. If you want a lot of laughter, he’s good.