Hallo, ich weiß dass ich vielleicht mit dieser Frage wie ein Perversling oder so klinge, aber ich habe ein paar Fragen zu Fansly, bevor ich irgendwas überstürtze;
Ist Fansly Sicher?:
Natürlich die erste Frage die man sich wohl stellt wenn man eine Seite begegnet, womit man Geld verdient/bezahlt.
Was wenn man nur Euro statt Dollar hat?:
Und womit & wie kann man zahlen?
Wie ist das mit dem Abo?:
Wenn man das Abo beendet, kann man dann nicht mehr auf die Bilder zugreifen? oder muss man dann bis Ende des Monats warten, jenachdem wie viel man noch so gut hat?
Ich hoffe dass Ihr meine Fragen dennoch ernst nimmt und würde mich auf (ernste) Antworten freuen. LG
Is Fansly Safe?:
Yeah, it’s just like onlyfans, patreon, etc. It’s as safe as that.
What if you only have euro instead of dollar?:
As you don’t put banknotes in your PC, it doesn’t matter which currency is on your account. Whether you pay via credit card, Paypal or Bitcon etc… will be converted automatically.
What about the subscription?:
When you finish your subscription (let 30 days) you still have access to everything until the next payment period. I don’t know if you still see everything (from before).
I have another question: if you say, for example: subscribe to Fansly on the 10th March, then you have to pay the next payment period on April 10 or is it strict at the end/beginning of a month?
Everything else has been answered satisfactorily, so on your “additional question”: The next number period begins 30/31 days later, so always on the same day as in the first month. Was it in March the 10th, then it is also in April etc. the 10.
Please don’t feel under attack.
I got on not helpful clicked because only the first answer was helpful.
But thanks for your effort.
Fansly is considered safe as long as you use the platform responsibly. It provides data protection and secure payment processing. Make sure to protect your personal information and share only serious content. Onlyfans is better than Fansly, there is a top model for free
If I read in your details “Perversling” then I guess you’re looking at everything wrong. It sounds strange for one or the other. But Fansly or other fanpages has nothing to do with pornography it is “KUNST”. An art of creatives.
What the least know is that Fansly was never meant to upload “Adult Contents”. This is still the case to this day. Creative can also upload cake recipes from their grandma. I’m just not sure if you can make money with it, and if it’s gonna be a fucking good cake. Fun by side.
It has developed in the course of the years as with the other fanpages.