Fanfiction model?


ich schreibe gerade eine lovestory und einer der zwei Protagonisten soll Model sein. Das Ding ist er ist 16 und ich will nicht kindermodel sagen aber irgendwie auch nicht nur Model, weil man dann nd versteht wie alt er ist.
Ich kann sein Alter aber auch nicht sofort klarstellen, da die andere Protagonistin ihn auf einem Plakat sieht.
was soll ich dann schreiben?

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1 year ago

You don’t have to write anything. She just sees a model on a poster. At the latest when she googelt him she will find out that he, just like her, is a teenager.

Maybe she can also walk past the poster with her friends and they almost flow into love expressions and then EVENTUELL comes at some point the sentence ‘can you believe that he is as old as us? He looks like a grown-up…”

or something like that.

He’s not a kid’s model, he’s not a “teen model” at all, but if I’m quite honest… the girls at Gntm were around the 16 at some point, and nobody even spoke about ‘teen models’, they were simply ‘models’.
I’d think it’s a story that way.

1 year ago

He’s a sixteen-year-old model?