Fandet ihr es auch gut das Boromir stirbt?
Weil er wollte ja Frodo verraten und außerdem war er irgendwie voll unsympathisch
Weil er wollte ja Frodo verraten und außerdem war er irgendwie voll unsympathisch
Heyy Ich suche Serien auf Prime die kostenlos sind Ich mag keine Horror Serien wie z.B. Breaking Bad/walking death und so Ich habe schon Serien wie Lucifer, Türkisch für Anfänger, Axel, once upon a time, Pretty Little liars, TVD gesehen. könnt ihr noch welche empfehlen?
Wenn immer mit Dip, welche Sorte?
Hey, mit der Frage meine ich, ob ihr euch, wenn ihr an die Zeit zurückdenkt, wo ihr Harry Potter zum allerersten Mal kennen und liebem gelernt habt, ihr irgendwelche Erinnerungen an bestimmte einzelne Sachen/Erlebnisse habt, die dabei witzig waren und wo ihr mit einem Schmunzeln dran zurückdenkt. Mich bringt zum Beispiel immer die Erinnerung zum…
Ich mag alle sehr gerne 🙂
Boromir simply remains questionable from his whole behavior and character, already at Elrond’s advice and later on Frodo. Otherwise, it is quite useful, for example, to the other semi-finished products.
The compassion with Boromir at his death remained within close limits with me, rather a certain joy of harm and satisfaction widened. After all, Boromir just sought Frodo after the ring before, and the turn with his death was somewhat just and did not meet the wrong. The whole also shows quite well the devastating influence of the ring on persons.
Overall, Boromir is a tragic figure. Only a few can escape the promise of power of the ring, and not everyone has the wisdom and sovereignty as they put Gandalf, Aragorn and Galadriel.
Boromir, with his arrogance and power, is also the image of his father Denethor, for which there is hardly any alternative for him. His younger brother Faramir can give much more wisdom, at least in the book.
Full longing to help his people in Gondor, before the inspiring dark ruler, he rides to Bruchtal. He only wanted one ring to help his people. At Amon Hen, he tried to take one ring in himself, because he believed that he could use this ring against Sauron and also be obliged to do so. He also regretted that Frodo wanted to take the ring off. Bilbo also tried to take the ring again and is still not evil. Finally, he also protects Merry and Pippin from the Orks, where he dies. Without Boromir, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli would not have known what happened to Merry and Pippin.
I can’t find him creepy either. In my opinion, he is one of the most human characters in the Lord of the Rings.
The ring seduced. This is in “weak” people’s gang and prayer. Nevertheless, it should be said that Boromir was an extremely strong commander who was respected by many people and has won many victories, for example the first defense of Osgiliath against Mordor. He also felt responsible for Gondor and tried to use the ring in a positive way.
But it is out of question that Boromi was arrogant and that arrogance, as well as the desire to use the ring to save Gondor, ultimately led him to this betrayal. So it’s right to say that he deserves death. What you shouldn’t forget. Boromir has shown loyalty at the last moment, with the 20 Orks he has done (20 Orks are a lot. For comparison: The Elves from Gondolin have done an average of 17 orks per nose and these Elves are excellent fighters. I would say that Boromir has regretted his deed in the last few minutes and he would have become another person after that.
And as Gandalf said so beautifully, “Many life deserves death and many who are dead deserve life”
Tchja, as a child and adolescent, I was glad he died. I just found him unhappy.
I’ve seen all the Lords of the Rings movies again about the Christmas season.
Today at 33 I can understand Boromir much better and at least understand his character. He’s probably the most human figure in the whole movie.
Yes but he has broken the trust of the ring community and was creepy in the film and has also always been insidious (not even Aragorn has trusted him to kill him when they were at the Caradharas)
You just have to get into Boromir. As far as its role in the world is concerned, and the expectations associated with it.
He lives in a world abandoned by the Elves. In which the enemy becomes more and more powerful and weaken people.
He is (quasi) the successor of a weak Gondor and now sees in the ring a way to save his country. He also doesn’t care that he’s involved with it, and quite honestly, that’s what I’d like in his situation.
I mean, clearly it worked in the movies, but seriously.
The plan with nine people across the host country to get the ring straight to the main house of the villa is already madness 😅
I didn’t think it was sad either. At least not until I get the 3rd. Partly seen;P
I don’t think anyone should die.