Family Link auf iPhone?
Ich wechsle bald von Android auf iOS. Zuvor verwendeten meine Eltern (welche beide ein Android Handy benutzen) Family Link. Jetzt stellt sich die Frage: können meine Eltern mit ihren Android Handys mein iPhone verwalten?
Ich wechsle bald von Android auf iOS. Zuvor verwendeten meine Eltern (welche beide ein Android Handy benutzen) Family Link. Jetzt stellt sich die Frage: können meine Eltern mit ihren Android Handys mein iPhone verwalten?
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Hallo, Eine Person antwortet mir seit Stunden nicht, aber die Wo ist? App aktualisiert sich alle paar Minuten. Kann man daran sehen wann die Person zuletzt am Handy war?
Family Link can only manage Google devices and the settings of some Google apps (also on an iPhone).
But not everything (e.g. usage times, etc.). Either a system-independent solution has to be found, or your parents would have to make the screen time settings on your iPhone and secure them with a code that is not known to you.
OK thanks for the answer!
But my big sister wants an iPhone too soon. Could she just manage my phone?
If it is set up as a “family head” of the family account and your Apple ID has been set up in the family member, yes.
Yes Child Security is important
Ok, thank you for that with Family Link
I quote:
But with this is the question of exactly what Family Link on iPhone can still not answer, because on a given link only what not works.
See my answer and see the 4 entries here linked FAQ entry…
What can Family Link on iOS even if no daily limit?
This is not possible with Family Link under iOS anyway. This has to be configured directly on your iPhone under screen time with an unknown code.
OK, thanks for the answer. With us, the main usage reason was anyway the usage time(so how long I can use the phone)
As I said, Family Link cannot manage everything on iOS. And then the same rules apply to Android as well. This is certainly also the case in Family Link’s user manual, e.g. under
So from Family Link, because at that time it is 16
Yeah, I’m fine.