
Hallo, seit einigen Jahren läuft es in meiner Familie komplett verkehrt. Es ist immer so eine grundnegativität in der Familie. Sobald man nach Hause kommt kann man damit rechnen angeschrien so werden und schlechte laune zu haben. Ich kann soetwas überhaupt nicht gebrauchen und ich merke wie unglücklich mich das macht. Ich habe in keinem anderen Bereich in meinem Leben so eine unglücklichkeit verspürt. Allerdings gibt es dann die wenigen Momente von meinem Dad und meiner mum die dann doch wieder zeigen dass sie mich lieb haben. Meine Mum macht z. b. hin und wieder die Wäsche kochen tut sie auch manchmal oder Geldtechnisch bekomme ich auch sehr viel von ihnen wofür ich auch sehr dankbar bin. Aber wenn ich mir das aussuchen könnte wie es ist oder eine Familie wo alle immer nett zu einander sind und man gerne beisamen ist, ohne Geld und ohne wäschewaschen, kochen würde ich lieber Familie nr. 2 auswählen. Hat jemand ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht, übertreibe ich vielleicht sogar? Wie seht ihr das

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1 year ago

In my family it went a lot like that.

My father was/is an absolute narcissist and has only been down all day and my mother has been severely depressed and partly still.

Luckily they have separated themselves relatively early and I had therefore only one “Last” (namely the one from my mother).

I then became (who would have thought it) hard depressed and began to imitate or imitate the behavior of my parents. I’m subconscious.

Today, thanks to the 5-year-old therapy, I am already largely out of the drama, but it was a painful and stony way you could save yourself.

There is nothing more important than harmony and freedom of stress. What brings you all that money? That doesn’t bring your peace of mind.

Such an environment makes sick and especially in the development phase you should have mentally stable models to become a stable adult yourself.


Look, you kind of make your own thing as early as possible and don’t be afraid of working up. Every day you have to spend under these circumstances is another step into the abyss.

Your parents probably don’t even know they have mental problems or don’t want to perceive it. You can’t see the effects on you at all, or they’d be looking for help.

Don’t be angry… but go away your own as soon as possible.

I’d put that to you as a former person.

14 years of depression were enough.

1 year ago

I understand you. Have you ever talked about it? It sounds stupid, but I think it’s probably a very good idea to ask for a conversation, sometimes in the evening or at the weekend, and to talk about it all.

1 year ago

oh yes there helps only one, simply nen cut and have your own life

1 year ago

Two years ago, it looked the same with me. I had nice moments with my family, but it always came to bad moments. Scream ect. It was on the agenda every day.

I can totally understand how you feel.

If you don’t have to stop it, you can always turn to the youth office, it’s hard, but they can help you get an education help, then a nice bedwoman will be assigned to you with which you meet once in the week or she will come home to you with whom you can talk about everything that looks at home. The Youth Office also takes over restaurant, cinema visit ect. Otherwise what doesn’t sound nice, choose a WG, doesn’t sound too nice, but you can still see your parents at any time, sleep at home. Only her since not day 24 hours each day, which makes doofe situations avoidable.

Wish you good luck:)

1 year ago
Reply to  TimoGainz069

But they will certainly help you.

1 year ago

You’re exaggerating.

1 year ago
Reply to  TimoGainz069

It’s usually like that.

My neighbor was beaten at 12 years when he wanted to go to school and hadn’t helped his father at work.

It must have been around 1978, but still.