
Ich bin 15 und brauche dringend Hilfe Mein Vater ist allein erziehend und psychisch am Ende seit Jahren Ich habe keine Mutter und sie hat ihn auch sehr schlimme Dinge angetan in der Vergangenheit und sie sind getrennt aber mein Vater lässt seine Depressionen an mir aus und gibt mir die Schuld für Dinge zumbeispiel sagt er wenn du nie geboren wärst wäre alles besser Ich habe mal vergessen mein Zimmer sauber zu machen da hat er mich nur wegen dem Zimmer angemeckert und gemeint wenn du noch mal es vergisst dann Schlag Ich dich schmeiß Ich dich raus und seit dem glaubt er mir nicht nur wegen einem Zimmer das geht schon zu weit.. Er meinte Ich bin faul und soll kochen lernen und nicht rumliegen Ich soll das Haus putzen. Aber Ich habe Schule und das ist auch anstrengend für mich das versteht er allerdings nicht er denkt Ich verarsche ihn obwohl Ich niemanden verarsche und es nervt. Alle Jugendliche haben um mich herum ein gutes Leben während meins einfach nur gestresst ist. Ich habe schon nachgedacht mich selber umzubr#ngen und mich selbst schon verletzt.. Aber Ich weiß nicht wie Ich mich umbr#ngen soll.. Und Ich möchte nicht ins Jugendamt. Aber Das geht schon so seit Jahren Ich weiß nicht was Ich tun soll..

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1 year ago

The Youth Office is not against you, it is there to help you.

I understand you’re afraid of your father, but it’s important to help.

You could go first and say that you just want to have information on what help they can give you.

With a few things your father is right: he does not live alone in the house and you are even legally obliged to help. Stands in the BGB.

But that’s the smaller problem… there’s a lot of families to clean up and help.

That he has depression, which can also be accompanied by anxious mood, makes me more worried. Is he in treatment? The way he treats you is not okay.

And to blame you for your own life decisions, of course, is not possible. He finally witnessed you. You’re nothing to blame! Please don’t forget.

Everyone’s important that you try to get help.

Do you have relatives you trust?

1 year ago
Reply to  Vanessa00007

In any case, there are contact points you can contact.

If you tell me your country, I can see what it is. That’s more like calling or mailing. What’s special in your place, they can tell you or you can go.

1 year ago

The Youth Office would be the starting point for you. People there can help you. Your father isn’t right. Someone must have an eye on it! Then you’ll be better.

If you do not want to contact the Office directly, contact your trust teacher. He can help you!

1 year ago

The address would be the Youth Office. This is the only authority to intervene in the care of your father.

Do you have a trust teacher at school?

1 year ago

Obviously, your father has problems that he can’t handle alone. It is difficult to recommend the right place from a distance.

Ultimately, there are many possibilities, depending on where you live.

I’d be Family assistance of the Caritas fall

https://www.caritas.de/glossare/socialpaedagogical family support

GGf could also have a conversation with General help if you both have the same and there is a depression problem

As an alternative, SKM one that makes a good “men’s advice” when your father shows willingness to anxiety.

Youth employment and perhaps also Church Representative (Self-career, municipal or priest)

Finally and finally, a conversation with the KLassen- or Trust Teachers a direction.

Ultimately, it’s somewhere you want to work together or if it’s just going to get you out of your father.

You may speak to your father for the first time, and you’ll pay attention to his position.

“You papa, I know you don’t have a simple life, and I’d like to see with you that we improve it. Do you think we can get HIlfe? As it is now, it can’t stay because cih doesn’t see you well” And then look how he gets out.

What is important is that there are no accusations, but you show him that you want to work together with him.

All good and Toi toi toi

1 year ago

I’d go to the youth office. They won’t get you out of there if you don’t want to. Before, they offer other things, such as budgetary assistance and discussions, e.g.

Maybe they can convince your father about the need for therapy. It’s not that he lets out his frustration on you.

You don’t need to be afraid of your father either (white is easier said than done) but what does he want to do to you? If he gets handcuffed, call the police