Familie steht größtenteils nicht hinter meinem Jobwechsel , was nun?

Ich wechsel nach 10 Jahren die Firma und den Job. Nur meine kleine Schwester hat mir gratuliert. Meine große war dagegen und wollte sogar den Vertrag lesen ( was ich verneinte). Aauch von meinen Eltern kommt da wenig Ansporn oder gar Glückwünsche. Ich verstehe das nicht, weiter durchzhiehen? Was tun?

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1 year ago

There will always be other opinions in life and even the parents or siblings can have a different attitude. But it’s your life and your decision what you’re doing. And if you see more potential for you in the other job, do that.

1 year ago

Should your parents and big sisters do the job and find good or you?

Too bad if they don’t stand behind you, but it’s your life, you should do what you want. Taking them advice is ok, but if they don’t have anything to do so, then ignore their opinion.

So it might be interesting to know what they have against the job, maybe they think it’s good.

1 year ago

Do they have to do your job or you?

Maybe they just don’t understand the reasons and therefore react.

1 year ago

If the change makes you happier, go for it.

Of course, this feels really bad when your family isn’t happy with you, but if you’re convinced that the new job will fulfill you….Do it

But don’t know what job you change and why your family doesn’t congratulate you. Vllt’s got something else to do, and you’d have to talk to her.

1 year ago

Congratulations to job change makes sense only when you’re more successful in the new job.

1 year ago

I’d like to know why they think you should stay in the old job.

1 year ago

It’s your life and you can finally do what you do in your life. You must like it and not your family.