Familie ohne Männer fährt in Urlaub was sagt ihr dazu?
Tochter, Mutter, Oma und Uroma ( hat auch vom Alter so gepasst ) fährt für 1 Woche in den Urlaub.
Der Mann bleibt doch nicht alleine zu Hause? Und was ist mit den Opas?
Ich wollte nicht unhöflich wirken und sofort danach fragen. Finde es aber merkwürdig weil es ja nicht der Normalfall ist.
No problem for me.
What is already “normal” and they have agreed before that it is ultimately true for all.
Thank you very much for the star.
… However, this can usually also be titled “a women’s holiday”, my dear 😉
In most cases, in “pure women’s holidays”, as well as, of course, in “men’s holidays” in the very first place, in a “more detailed” way (conversations), HOBBYS and rather “very special”, rather “adapted” interests to the female gender and relatively many “women’s experiences”, very many female fears would be inconvenient.
So I think it’s nice if there’s a pure women’s holiday.
What’s “not normal”?
Maybe the men make a week together? And otherwise men will survive
So maybe the women’s day wants to do it. or just make women’s vacation, yes I actually find that right.
What’s odd about it?
The ladies simply enjoy a break and spend a few days without their men.
Great idea!
where is there somehow a rehearsal
can everyone do as he wants
Take a look.
I know.
Unzwar how? The men would have to stay home alone
Except they are divorced or deceased
Oh, my God. ALL at home.
Yeah, the men just worked.
Although, there was something.
The one had just a marriage, because the man had a lover, and that’s why they’re together on holiday.
She with her two sisters.
Her husband flew after her, and they had reconciled.
And then he went strange again.
Was my uncle.
I drove him to the airport and spoke with him very seriously.
Because he wanted to leave his really horny wife for a normal hoe with 3 children he should feed through.
It’s normal.
Yeah, I know that too. Was already on vacation with my mother and grandma and the men stayed at home. We enjoyed the vacation, the men at home. All were happy
I’m fine.
Are the men in your family unable to provide themselves for a week?
What’s not normal for you? It’s a ‘Mädelsurlaub’! The men aren’t coming.
What’s wrong now? We’re doing women’s rounds in the family. Why do you have to carry his men everywhere? I don’t understand, they don’t survive alone or what
Why shouldn’t it be normal that the ladies of the family together make a week vacation..?
You have a very strange worldview since 2023 in Germany….
They definitely have more fun than you
invite other women at home