Familie ist verschwunden?
Ich hatte gerade einen Streit mit meiner Mutter, danach bin ich auf mein Zimmer eine viertel Stunde später bin ich wieder runter aber alle sind weg, meine Geschwister und Eltern.
Ich mache mir jetzt echt Sorgen aber bin auch traurig weil mir niemand bescheid gesagt hat.
Was soll ich machen?
Maybe they called you to leave and you didn’t hear it or forget it. But your family can’t just run away, no matter how bad the fight with your mother is. I could imagine they went for a walk so you can calm down.
Hey 👋 I can understand you well I think they just went for a walk or something you can talk about it later
Either you write them via WhatsApp, apologise and ask where they are, OR you leave it, put a TK pizza in the oven and make it comfortable with a movie in front of the TV…
Hold it. I also have strict parents
You escaped the situation by fleing to your room. Now the rest of the family disappears by leaving. From this you learn safe: it is not pleasant for anyone when the other is out of an unexplained situation. Better withstand and find solution.
it is a well-known advice to get out of the situation when it threatens to escalate, sometimes it needs cooled minds to solve a problem
However, the Council refers to an announced withdrawal. Just go to his room and expect others to wait for you to calm down and join again is not a good solution.
Apparently, the dispute was not held, otherwise the family would have said that she’s going now.
I read it as an end dispute, if it says, “after I am in my room”
They’re coming back. Maybe it’s just the fresh air to take off.