Familie isst mein Essen weg was würdet ihr tun?
Ich habe 1 Stunde gekocht und dann gegessen, der Rest war für morgen in der Mittagspause .
Habe Nudeln mit gehackten Tomaten und frischem Gemüse ( Zwiebeln, Möhren, Paprika, alles selber geschnitten und gewürzt ) zubereitet.
Meine Familie hat es weg gegessen und das Brot reicht nur noch für morgen früh heißt ich muss dann einkaufen da habe ich null Bock drauf nach einem langen Arbeitstag.
Ich arbeite von 8:00 – 16:30 , ich habe auf der Arbeit im Pausenraum eine kleine Küche mit Backofen, Topf, Herd und Mikrowelle, aber wir haben keine Kantine .
Do you sometimes talk to each other? Why don’t you share your parents with what you cook and ask if you’re supposed to cook for them?
I come home at the same time as you – do not always want to cook then, but I am happy when someone has already taken over this. And after all, to clean up the kitchen.
If too much is cooked, the rest will be frozen.
The baker – I have to plan before work.
The alternative for you: withdraw from home.
Why don’t you share your parents with what you cook and ask if you want to cook for them? ‘
But they are at work otherwise I would have to ask on the previous day, it is very cumbersome when I call my father mostly only who goes differently in his office and then seeks him.
That’s what I’m doing in an emergency.
Pulling out is very expensive, expensive environment .. but you can’t freeze everything? The tomato sauce and the vegetables are getting soaky?
Thanks for the star..:)
Maybe you can also write a message to your parents – by phone at work – don’t go to everyone. Neither do I.
Freeze everything – actually can’t. You should try your tomato sauce. Perhaps you could then walk and bake
But with the vegetables – this can also be warmed well the next day.
Next time grab your food for work right into a can and possibly label or a note on it and leave the rest in the pot for the family :)/
Talking could help.
, we also have hunger in the evening.
, we often cook enough for you also with ”.
Exactly. It’s normal. In a family you also think of the other members. They tell you that you cook, and whether you should cook for the others. Eating on the stove is for everyone. If you only claim it for yourself, you have to communicate it clearly.
Do you all cook for yourself?
No, but if there’s nothing there, it’s just eating bread. Because my parents don’t always want to cook usually only on work-free days.
Cook or eat something else!
It’s not a drama!
Otherwise: Just talk to the family…