Familie bekommen?
Hi, ich bin 15 und lebe seit ich 2 bin in verschiedenen Wohngruppen, Einrichtungen. Etc. Ich wünsche mir seit längere Zeit eine Familie, wie zum Beispiel ne Pflegefamilie oder Adoption aus vielen Gründen.naja egal. Ich habe das meiner Casemangerin (Frau vom Jugendamt) erzählt, sie meinte jedoch, dass ich zu alt bin.. damit hat sie wahrscheinlich recht, die Leute wollen ja nur junge Kinder, aber ich will nicht einfach so aufgeben, habt ihr ne Idee was ich machen könnte?
I don’t know, but maybe you can publish your wish somehow?
Maybe give up an ad, or make your wish online public?
I think your parents’ search is kind of touching. Perhaps a childless couple or one that has already adopted children would feel addressed?
The reception of a 15 year-old is easier than that of a baby/child, it is only a few years here, after which you are adult, the education is then completed (as always..)
I think there are couples/parents ready to take a girl like you.
Talk to your supervisors or the wife of the youth office.
I wish you all the best.
But on which platform would one look at it and take it seriously? But your idea is otherwise completely good, thank you
I’m an Italian. In Italy, in the event of an accident or other sudden loss of the parents and relatives of a child, it is made public that adoptive parents are sought. That’ll be in the day’s show. There are always incredibly many.
It is generally no longer about babies and does not go to the adoptive couples who have been introduced.
Of course, your situation is different. But I still think that many would take you (of course you would have to behave halfway ;-) They’re just a few years before you grow up.
They should help you to publish your wish if they want, they already know how and where.
Now I think that such unusual wishes, which one tries to fulfill, are sometimes also available in certain television shows (at any rate this is the case here) that one should turn to the editors.
I wish you all the best! Let you press child 🤗
I don’t know. I was just so spontaneous.
Ask the youth office to help you.
The couples who prefer adoptions will only take small children, but there are certainly many others who feel addressed by a 15 year-old looking for parents/family.
I completely exclude that nobody wants you.
You can’t forget that you’re in the middle of puberty with 15. For many, this is a difficult time. Especially at the age, teenagers often can’t say anything…
I have adult children myself and I know what I’m talking about.
Thank you, I’ll try.
Yeah, and…
Yeah, you know how teenagers can be. Some can get really thick and exhausting.
I would ask the wife of the youth office whether NIEMAND really wants to take up 15 years, so no one at all?
You will answer “the probability is very low” – Then you can answer “Then there is theoretically a chance. Then let’s try to find a family, please. I don’t make too much hope, but the attempt would be worth it.”
Maybe you’ll put something in it…
I’d keep coming with her in the future. Maybe it works…
Good luck for you!
Thank you.
If you move 18 into your own apartment, then start your own little family.
I don’t want my own family to take care of you then, but well thank you
Did you find a family? How do you know?
Your nickname is negative, excuse the comment.
Hello, you’re not old yet, you’re 15 what she says is Bullshit. You’re 15 years old. I know many families who want an old one.
I wish I knew someone too
You are 18 a 15 year old will no longer adopt
Just look at it as a small part of life you take with 18 you change everything
First, you don’t know, and “easy” isn’t going through. Sorry, bad contribution, I have to say…
You mean