Was macht ihr wenn eure Mutter zu euch fettes Schwein sagt ??
Ich hasse das wenn sie das sagt vorallem sie ist meine Mutter
Was macht ihr wenn eure Mutter zu euch fettes Schwein sagt ??
Ich hasse das wenn sie das sagt vorallem sie ist meine Mutter
Moin, Es ist ja verpönnt seine Kinder anzuschreien (zum Glück hab ich noch keine xD), nur was ist wenn das Kind (Jugendlich) zum Beispiel seid es klein ist seine ausgetragenen Aufgaben im Haushalt nicht freiwillig oder ohne gezicke erfüllt. Was meint ihr? Ist es dann als Elternteil angebracht es schon in seinem Grundschul Alter anzuschreien…
Hallo. Ich bin 13 Jahre alt und am Wochenende und in den Ferien weckt mich meine Mutter grundlos. Es gibt weder ein Familienfrühstück, noch irgendwas anderes, warum ich aufstehen sollte.Ich schlafe meist erst um 1 Uhr nachts ein ,aber meine Mutter weckt mich um halb neun.Hab mit ihr geredet, aber sie sagt:”Ich mach das weil…
Zahlt ihr Miete zuhause bei euren Eltern? Ich bin 18 habe nur ein Teilzeit Job muss ein Auto abbezahlen und bin in der Schule neben bei habe nie genug Geld für mich übrig. Meine Eltern verdienen leider nicht so viel. Kindergeld is von meiner Schwester weggefallen. Ich teile ein Zimmer mit meiner 21 jährigen Schwester…
Hallo ich habe eine Frage und zwar meine Mutter hat eine Schwester und ihre Mutter hat sie damals in so eine Einrichtung rein gebracht meine Mutter hat jetzt keine Daten mehr kein Geburtsdatum kein Bild nix nur ein Name und ich wollte fragen ob man verleicht trotzdem eine Person so finden kann danke
Also ich bin 12 und spiele schon seit 9 Jahren Geige. Eigentlich wollte ich schon vor circa 4 Jahren aufhören, aber meine Mutter sagt dann immer :” wenn du schon angefangen hast, dann solltest du es auch zuende bringen”. Das hasse ich. Leute kennen mich als “perfektes asiatisches Mädchen dass auf ihre Eltern hört und…
Hey. Mir geht es zuhause überhaupt nicht gut und das seit ca. 4 Jahren. Seitdem ich 18 bin ist es schlimmer alles. Naja will hier nicht alles erzählen aber bin psychisch auch krank dadurch und nehme bald an einer Therapie teil und hatte auch schon kurz hilfe von einer Psychologin bekommen. Beantrage in den nächsten…
My mother, among other things, said Schlam** to me because I didn’t clean up my room and that in front of a family stranger. It was hurting… And I never forgot.
I didn’t clean up my room. It only meant that I had my mother in bad memory on this point.
I’ve always been a mommy in all these years. Until she died and I mean my father between my 34 and 40. Lbj was allowed to meet. He told me things, and he showed me a side of my mother that I did not perceive as a child, or just in approaches. When my mother was buried, I didn’t cry tears at the grave. It was different with my father. That threw me out of the train that I got very sick this year, a few months later.
From my mother, I almost only remembered the negative things. Not the one who told my father, but the one I experienced with her. From my father I have only a few memories from childhood, especially because he was hardly present in education, although he lived in the same apartment. For this, the experiences with him after the death of my mother have been very rewarding.
Schlam* used to be a completely harmless word for an illegitimate, female person and had no sexual conotation – I don’t know how often my mother called me so (and as a kose name, pussi – kitten, which you still sometimes slip out, but with my 50+ I find it amusing and not embarrassing).
I’m kind of sure your mother used the word in his old meaning and maybe not even knew the meaning changed?
I’m sorry.
Neither my mother or father would do such a thing, for that the cohesion in the Famielie is too great.
My grandma once referred to me and my brother as “This one” (we have just celebrated her birthday in the big family circle), with my mother from her also having received “beautiful flowers” from her for her birthday (it was a grave treasure). They could never find out that my father married my mother, so we were more than inferior to her.
My father noticed that I had responded to this insult at the time (My brother did not take that note, but I am very sensitive at this point). I didn’t make a scene before my grandma at that time, but when I was at home, my father wanted to take me side and apologize for his mother, and then talk to her again that’s not possible. I explained to my father quietly and objectively that his mother died for me and I will only maintain the most necessary contact and otherwise I will leave her to the left.
Neither – I would tell her that this is not nice and it hurts me AND I would think if she was right and I should eat healthier and move more.
An honest conversation with the family doctor or a BMI computer that involves gender and age will help you.
Happy 🤗
This is not a real mother, there is something missing here
I’m lucky to live in a family where one goes with respect.
It would have hit me earlier, but by now I know that my mother is pretty, dull and disgusting. Then I learned that under “they can’t do anything mentally.”
She’s not gonna be with me
For such reasons, I have no contact with my mother.
The question is actually hard to answer for me. On the one hand, I’m not fat, on the other hand my mother never said that to me. but I can understand anyone who is emotionally through that.
the ones who vote here: “I don’t care about shit” I’m sorry somewhere. they don’t seem to have any emotional ties with their mother, or they’re just so blunted that they don’t even remember.
Fortunately, never was called that.
It’s not forbidden to keep your mouth shut when someone calls you that. Have a humorous answer with a diarrhea.
My mother calls me also always ugly I go then usually sleep and hear asmr
My father once hinted that I was too thick and I didn’t care
If I’d take everything from my parents personally, I’d just be busy crying all day.
“Let’s consider what this makes you.”
I definitely don’t even let my mother be so insulted without a counter.
Your mother should love you unconditionally, as you are, despite all the weaknesses you have or your mother denies you!
Wouldn’t do it.
If a farmer has a pig, he’ll be happy when it gets fat.
My mother also said bad things to me, so you learn to know how you don’t want to be.
The day will come because it urgently needs my help. If she asks me for help as a frail old man, I answer “Give yourself a shopping!”
No man calls me that
Because she’s much fatter than I am