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1 year ago

These indoor devices only show some imagination at speed. You can’t assume at best that you would drive the same pace with the same power with a real bike.

So it can be that you simply drove so little load on the ergometer that it has only little energy in time.

What can happen is that your Smart Watch is taking a completely different fitness state with you than you actually have. A well-trained person works more efficiently in the endurance area than an untrained person, i.e. for the same result he needs less energy. Likewise, the skeletal muscle fraction of the body makes a difference – a 90 kg human with 45% skeletal muscle fraction (and therefore probably very little body fat) needs significantly more energy than a 90 kg human with only 30% skeletal muscle fraction (and correspondingly more body fat). Simply because more muscles are moved during each movement and consume energy.

If the smartwatch either does not take this into account or assumes the wrong conditions, the calculation can clearly deviate from reality.

1 year ago

you kicked too little watt.