fällt man durch wenn beim A1 Prüfung das moped abstirbt (am kreisverkehr)?

aber schnell wieder anschaltet

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2 years ago

No, because this can happen

2 years ago

Counter-question, will a driver or motorcyclist be deprived of the driver’s license once he strangles? No, he won’t. It’s not a reason to fall through.

I didn’t know anything happened to my exam.

2 years ago

If you let the box die while you turn a circle, it’s not the Knaller. That’s what you’re either in the wrong gear or too slow. Both are not very lucky. This is usually not a reason for falling through, but it comes to the tester(s):in and the entire driving test. If you put an insecure way to the day, it could go into the bush. But, besides that, you don’t happen without errors. There are mistakes that would be far worse.

2 years ago

I don’t think. You’re excited, nervous, that can happen to everyone, also a trained driver.

2 years ago

Would say: No. Can happen every time.

At that time, when the car was in the 3rd place, I went to a parking truck, I let the traffic pass, let the clutch come – motor out. Panic. Engine left, 2. Try to get started- engine off. Voice from the tester on the rear seat bench: “Even with the diesel, experienced riders will not be able to start in the 3rd gear…”

I’ve never heard that loud noise. For this, I was able to park with backwards, unsafe turning and approach on the mountain (without technical assistance).

2 years ago

Keeping in circulation is not allowed. You’re going through that.

2 years ago

Did the driving instructor make you realize that in such situations the speed can be controlled with the foot brake to take out the hectic?

While you stay at the same time on the gas, of course. This is how you can keep the suspension on track.

Matching this technique rather a gear too deep than too high (but of course not down to the first gear).

If you have trouble knowing what way you are, you’re not ready to check.

2 years ago
Reply to  hallooo124

Read the sentence again.

2 years ago

Depends on how good the examiner slept today