Fällt ein Sollzins an wenn ich das Geld fristgerecht oder sofort überweise?
Hallo, es geht um die Gebührenfrei Kreditkarte der Advancia bank. Ich habe es nicht ganz verstanden, wenn ich jetzt Geld abhebe, dann ist das ja von den Gebühren her kostenfrei, wird ja auch so beworben. Allerdings steht unten Sollzins bei Barabhebung 1,89%. Bedeutet dass, das ich diese 1,89% definitiv zahlen muss, oder kann ich dies umgehen indem ich sofort den Betrag zurück überweise?
Yes, for cash withdrawals, you have to pay interest that will be calculated on a daily basis. The sooner you transfer the amount back to the card account, the better.
Also the payment of your monthly billing is very cumbersome, because it is not debited from the account, but you have to transfer the amount by 20, the month itself. For each delay, you will pay the 1.89% interest per month. This adds to a proud annual interest of over 20% .
Check something again, there are other credit gardens that are really free and not such an uncomfortable mogel package.
Thank you. Yes I would rather have had the one from Hanseatic Bank, but as a student with an income of 700€ you have no chance… And even though I’ve never been in the minus or something. Do not have to go to the minus, I’m actually just about renting cars 😂
Why don’t you just take a debit card for cash payment and the Advanzia for payments and bails?
There are plenty of offers, especially for students. You can also receive the Hanseatic credit card regardless of the current account. Call and ask for offers for students.
There are no separate offers for students. If one student accepts, they usually get a card with a 500€ limit.
Yeah, it’s always interest in cash withdrawal. You can reduce them to a few cents by simply balancing the complete balance by bank transfer. Alternatively, you could assign the amount beforehand and withdraw from the balance, then no interest will be charged. Although Advanzia officially does not offer guidance in the credit, it tolerates it for a short time. In Germany, for example, you can also take cash with dm or Aldi Süd free of charge and interest. But no guarantee how long this remains 😊