Fake oder Original (AirPods)?
ich will mir grade AirPods durch eBay kleinzeigen kaufen doch ich bin mir nicht sicher ob die Original sind.
Ich freue mich über eine schnelle Rückmeldung
ich will mir grade AirPods durch eBay kleinzeigen kaufen doch ich bin mir nicht sicher ob die Original sind.
Ich freue mich über eine schnelle Rückmeldung
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Unfortunately, even with serial number and OVP it is no longer possible to judge this, since these Fake Airpods are almost 1 to 1 copies of the originals, at least externally. Under no circumstances would I buy Airpods on classifieds or eBay, as there are many people who buy these things on e.g. Temu for 20€, and sell on unfamiliar who then think to have made a good deal.
That’s one. He only wants to send 100euro including what made me think before. But always when I asked him if I could pay with Paypal buyer protection, he had nothing to do with it.
I wouldn’t buy the Airpods, I’d rather spend a little more money, then you’re on the other side. In addition, there are also unfortunate cases in which the buyer protector did not come to good for the buyer, but the fraudster.
Jo thank you.
The pack alone looks a lot rancid. You better get those things with the dealer. Even if you have to pay 200 euros for this, you’ll have fun with it for many years. And for 50 euros more you can also buy the AirPods Pro 2.
Fake, 100%. As good as all Airpods you can buy on classifieds are Fake. Buy them at a reputable retailer or directly at Apple, just so you have the guarantee that they are genuine.