Fäkalien bzw. Magendarmviren in Rucola enthalten?


laut meiner veganen WG Mitbewohnerin sind in Rucola Fäkalien enthalten die zu Magen/Darmproblemen führen können. Reicht es nicht den Salat vorher gründlich zu waschen?


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2 months ago

Fäkalien are what we bring to the toilet every day. Maybe your vegan roommate will tell us why we shouldn’t have feces in Rucola + all other vegetables? They can not be “included” at all, but it was at most fertilized with manure, as is done in agriculture with all cereals + vegetables. Without fertilizer, this is even organic. Of course, it’s enough to wash the salad. Like all other vegetables.

2 months ago

Where did she get that “knowing”?
Of course, there can always be various contaminants in foods coming from the field, so you should also wash away everything you eat raw. Then this is all well tolerated.

So, wash salad and enjoy.

2 months ago


are contained in rucola feces that can lead to stomach/intestinal problems.

“Can be included” – this is not mandatory that it is so

Isn’t it enough to wash the salad thoroughly before?

Yes… Vegetables and fruits should always be washed before consumption


2 months ago

“IN” Rucola certainly not.

Depending on the fertilization, there may be residues of fruit and vegetables. That’s why you should wash both before eating. In individual cases, even more persistent pathogens can be present. But if that were so widespread, Rucola wouldn’t cough in the shops.

And just food is subject to sharp controls in Germany.

2 months ago

Your vegan roommate seems to be mentally confused. Comes more often with followers of this religion.

2 months ago
Reply to  frostfeuer85

You can also criticize and correct the statements without falling directly into vegan insult.

I’m an ally myself, but the obsession with which other omnivores work on vegans is really sick.

2 months ago
Reply to  Stellwerk

Of 5 vegans I know, 4 are additionally followers of esotericism, conspiracy theories (moon landing and 9/11 = fake), right-radical, left-radical or have quit the workstation to fulfill the dream of a facial tattoo… I’m sorry for the “normal” vegans, but most obviously are not mentally healthy.

2 months ago
Reply to  frostfeuer85
