Fahrzeug nach Österreich überführen?
Hi, mein TÜV ist seit 3 Wochen abgelaufen und ein Kumpel in Österreich will mein Auto kaufen. Wie ist das wenn er den abholen und überführen möchte? Ist das machbar? Er würde mit der Bahn kommen und mit dem Auto heimfahren wollen.
Vielen Dank im voraus.
Mfg, Yannick
If the car is still registered, drive down. Return registration number. You also need the vehicle license. You send him down or bring him back.
Hi, are there problems at the border due to the TÜV running? So more than usual when you’re stopped?
2 ways: the easier he gets the car with nem trailer or truck what I know
The more difficult: In principle, you can take the pickerl (with you TÜV) for 2 months but I personally would not risk it just because the TÜV Deutschlanfnin Austria has no very great value. If he registers the car in Austria, he must apply for an application form to the tax office for payment of the NOVA (exhaust tax) a few thousand euros depends on the new price first registration and CO2 value. It could take a bit.
I would personally have to take a car down there (mark is sent by mail to the registration office in D) NOVA after paying registration service and then it’s already on
What are you doing against our German TÜV?
The German TÜV has no added value in Austria
Ps. (Postscriptum) with us the TÜV cannot be covered. If you get caught, you will get a request within 4 weeks to prove a defect report or new TÜV.
If you submit a deficiencies report, you will receive the request to prove the deficiencies within 4 weeks. If not styling.
Is the German TÜV. German TÜV in 34 countries. You too.
It goes with transfer codes.
The vehicle is still registered
And you don’t get transfer codes without TÜV
Does he have too many shortcomings for new TÜV? Then it becomes difficult or expensive. At risk, you will get a request to submit a deficiencies report.