Fahrzeug auflasten?
ich wollte fragen, ob und wie es möglich ist, die zulässige Gesamtmasse (insbesondere die Zuladung) des Autos zu erhöhen. Muss ich technische Veränderungen machen? Wie finde ich heraus, ob mein Auto dafür überhaupt gebaut ist? Was sagt der TÜV dazu? Wie krieg ich das im Fahrzeugschein eingetragen?
As you know… How should you know if the car is prepared for more weight or what you need to change everything.
That’s exactly how the Tüv examiner is doing
At least stronger springs, matching dampers and better brakes would be a start.
Scholz Vehicle Loading
Why not, new axes, better springs, if necessary Brakes increase, usually other insurance contributions, and so on.
I would put my screwdriver in, because he should usually fix the stuff and ask the TÜV what they need on the documents.
one of you can tell you when you make an appointment from the vehicle and what’s going on or not.
Other rims were raised at our camper, other shock absorbers and so it went to the tüv