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Wie gefällt/gefiel euch der DT1 und DT2?
The railway is quiet, there are usually outlets and partly internet. Besides, I’m going by the train very differently than by bus.
LG Amy
Car, I drove the last bus where I was at school 20 years ago.
I also live on a village where every 2 hours an old folding bus arrives.
I usually use train only 1x a year for the trip to the airport.
If I lived in a big city I would use public transport more often. But here in the country impossible we also have no subway and the nearest railway station is 12km away.
So unfortunately, the 9€ ticket brings me again
Safe by train from comfort. But the bus takes me where the rails end.
My BMW 5 is more comfortable and faster…and more reliable:-)
Car. And sometimes bicycle.
I like train driving more than bus driving
I’m going to go on foot or use my bike.
The track is quiet and faster
How to drive bicycle
I love driving with my 7th BMW.
Car, as always.