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latricolore, UserMod Light

Two years ago, the Vespa celebrated its 75th. 19 million were produced at the time.

Of course, they are not only driving around in Italy, but also of course you can not only start from the new registrations, because many are driving them for decades.
For example, Vespa 50 Special of the 70s still one of the most popular and desirable.

latricolore, UserMod Light

Thank you for the star! 😊

2 years ago

Piaggio is well established as a manufacturer in Italy, but this does not only affect the Vespa models, but also the other Piaggio series. The best-selling 125 roller was a Japanese one in 2021, the Honda SH 125 with 12.804 pieces. The Piaggio Beverly 125 sold 6.991 times, while the Vespa Primavera came to a paragraph of only 2.908. No not half Italy drives Vespa.