Fahrstreifen für jede Richtung?
könnt ihr mir bitte erklären was mit einem Fahrstreifen für jede Richtung bzw. für eine Richtung gemeint ist?
Bezieht sich das auf die Richtungspfeiler die für jede Fahrtrichtung gedacht sind oder wie kann ich mir das vorstellen?
Danke im Voraus 🙂
Hi, in a small town there is usually only one line on the road – the dashed in the middle.
So each direction has a lane.
On the highway there are more to overtake – at least 2, mostly even 3 lanes for one direction. The track doesn’t count.
Is it easy to understand as a roadway with traffic?
The road is all the lanes taken together
A lane is just part of it.
This means that both you and the traffic have your own stripe (i.e. your own road) to drive
Is it easy to understand as a roadway with traffic?
The lanes are marked .. but usually (until the bend zones) not with arrows. Simple dashed or solid lines for delimitation.
At 2 lanes for each direction you have a solid line and 2 dashed lines. (you can’t get over to the mating lane)
At 1 lanes for each direction you only have a punctured line. You can get over to the counterway.
Is it easy to understand as a roadway with traffic?
No, I wrote. There is no counter-travel at 2 driving ferries for each direction. This is only exception for 1 lanes for each direction (because you could never overtake).