Hallo ich hatte heute eine spezielle Fahrschulprüfung, und als wir an so einer Kreuzung standen sagte der Fahrlehrer, ich solle über den Radweg drüber fahren, um in die Straße reinsehen zu können.
Also habe ich den Radweg blockiert, was sich sehr falsch anfühlte.
Ist das so richtig?
Yes, because the line of sight is usually only behind the cycle path.
You first leave pedestrians and cyclists across the street and if nothing else comes, you continue to the crossing road to see the other vehicles.
Once you’re on the bike path, the next cyclist has bad luck. But you’re gone soon.
You can only see if a cyclist is to be seen, who wants to pass in perspective within the period during which you still stand on the cycle path and wait for a gap in road traffic. If so, you’ll let this one go.
If you don’t want to pass by a cyclist in a timely manner, you drive to the line of sight and look for a gap in road traffic.
Of course, you have to give cyclists a ride! But to keep going, you have to have a clear view.
Yeah, you can do that?
You have to.