Fahrschule Moped?

Hallo ersmal, ich habe mein Mopedschein am Donnerstag mit 94% geschafft, allerdings wollte ich einen Gatschhüpfer(Enduro) fahren während den Fahrstunden allerdings hatten sie nur Roller und ich habe nachgeforscht und herausgefunden dass fasst alle Fahrschulen nur Roller haben für 50ccm bzw automatik, da wollte ich fragen warum ist das so?

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3 years ago

It’s cheaper, it was like that.

If the driving hours are made on the scooter, the driving licence is of course also valid for coaches.

You have to learn how to do it privately.

3 years ago

Rollers have no circuit. Automatically functions with so-called “variamatics” (= stepless circuit automatically with weight forces)

Steering equal. Both brake levers are on the handlebar. At the enduro, the left lever is the clutch, for that you have a foot brake

3 years ago

It’s so common.

Rollers have been built more for everyday trips, there is no real reason to turn around.

And Enduros more for the terrain for us for sporting driving, there is a manual transmission advantageous.

3 years ago

easy to drive, cheap in maintenance the dinger