Fahrschule Ausbildungsbescheinigung & Ausbildungsvertrag?
Hallo, ich habe mich bei meiner Fahrschule für eine Theorieprüfung angemeldet und habe jetzt nochmal durchgeschaut, was ich alles dafür mitnehmen soll.
Dort steht Ausweis und Ausbildungsbescheinigung. Ist das das gleiche wie ein Ausbildungsvertag?
Oder wann bekommt man den ausgestellt?
L.G. danke für Antworten!
These are 2 different things ..
As a rule, however, the certificate of training is now digitally transmitted to the test site.
But… because it says you have to take the appearance: ask again for the sake of clarity. If they didn’t deposit it at the Tüv and you can’t prove it, they’ll send you back home and the money’s gone.
Did you finish all classes?
Did the FS tell you that you have to take the letter?
I had to register for this at an associated TÜV site and there is a requirement that I have to take an ID and a certificate of training. The driving school has not yet expressed its opinion.
And yes, I’m done with the classroom and got the exam on the app.
Hard .. there are things still in paper form .. but as said, normal it is transmitted digitally. But with us the driving school must also register the exam, not the student himself.
So you just have to take your ID and tell the driving school to the Tüv types. That’s enough
Are there any difficulties if it cannot be submitted? I have never received a certificate or have you to apply for it yourself?…
The driving school carries this for you