Ich hab morgen um 15 uhr meine erste richtige Fahrstunde aber weiß nichts wirklich davon.
Was genau wird da gemacht, soll ich schon fahren? Ich bin sehr nervös und würde mich Grad auch nicht wirklich trauen. Bin auch durch die Theorie Prüfung gefallen zwar knapp aber trotzdem. Mein Lehrer meinte aver dennoch das ich morgen mit der Praxis anfangen darf.
Was passiert wenn ich etwas kaputt mache, hafte ich dann?
Der Standard Auto Führerschein
That’s not a problem at all. That’s not an exam, it’s just an hour’s drive. The driver also has gas and brake pedals and can intervene when a situation is overwhelmed.
Even though my first driving lesson has been over 30 years, I can still remember very carefully. He picked me up at home and said, “So, get in, set the seat and the mirror and then just get off.” I hired everything and looked at him asking. “Can start.” I’m saying, “And how?” “Just say you’ve never gone black before.” So that was probably supposed to be the time. But if you have no previous knowledge, that’s not bad. You pay the instructor to explain and teach you.
This is for the driving instructor or the driving instructor routine: They often have first hours and know the difficulties of the beginners. You will be able to get started and explain everything. Only courage, that’ll be all right!
Nice formula:-)
Just go, everything will be explained to you. Of course you will drive. Probably you can practice a few times in a parking lot or other free space and stop. Depending on how well this works, it might be on the road. You don’t need to worry. The driver has responsibility. He must be careful not to happen.
Hey, had my first time today ^^
So, first of all, you will be told a little about the car, e.g. where the clutch, brake, the gas pedal, the flasher, high-beam light etc. is available.
After that we set the mirrors, the seat + headrest and the steering wheel to fit me, how this will explain your driving instructor exactly to you 😉
Since I got the start-up equally well (although I’ve already practiced on a private plot) and the vehicle in the driving school usually drives with diesel, it’s hard to wipe off the car once you have the turn out. After that, I went straight to the street, the driving instructor first explains exactly what to do. Then in a quiet commercial area we practiced a little approach, turning, steering, switching, then finally parking, forward and backward.
I had a double hour, say 2*45 = 90 minutes…
You really don’t have to be afraid, I was totally nervous too.
Have fun driving!
LG Devyy
For that, the driving instructor is there to explain everything to you. Don’t worry, it’s normal.