Fahrradtour durch deutschland, welches fahrrad?

Ich möchte ein Rad kaufen auf ebayKL

Es sollte 28 zoll sein

Shimano XT schaltung

Mindestest 35mm622 Reifen Breite haben

Trekkingrad sein

Am besten Scheibenbremsen/muss aber nicht


Gepäckträger haben

Licht und Rücklicht Besitzen

Schutzbleche haben

Was aushalten können

Und vieles anders was ein gutes Fahrrad den haben sollte.

Ist das:

bike manufaktur rg-lg28 zoll 27gang lx


Oder das

Diamant Pacer Trekking Herrenrad mit hochwertigen Teilen.

(1 votes)

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1 month ago


if I have the right in my head, frame height 56cm with a body size of 178cm is rather upper limit. On the Internet there are various computers for determining the appropriate frame height including the leg length. I’d use one like that in your place.

Especially on such a tour as you imagined it would be important to me. I’m absolutely for a nabendynamo working with practically non-perceptible friction. So I always drive, even during the day with light and will not be overlooked so easily, batteries cannot become empty. The diamond seems to be in the disadvantage, has no lighting at all. The bike manufactory already, and if I recognize it correctly, also with Nabendynamo. Then no retrofitting would be necessary for this.

Both have rims- no disc brakes. Ever since I got the fight with the bleeding behind me on my bike, I’m not so hot anymore. Good rim brakes (whether that is so true for both, I cannot judge) have no less braking effect, are only perhaps not so fine to dose.

1 month ago

The manufactory wheel. Diamond is not bad, but the manufactory wheels have the better resale value. In addition, all wear parts have already been exchanged, with the diamond you cannot know.

LX or XT doesn’t matter. I don’t want adjustable handlebars at all.

But look and try it yourself.

1 month ago

You should try and I can find the saddle too uncomfortable for long tours.

But see women differently.

And I’d prefer a touring bike because more luggage has to be on it.