Fahrradschlauch ungeschützt transportieren?
Ich mache die Tage eine etwas längere Bikepacking Tour und der Schlauch passt leider nicht mehr in die Taschen. Jetzt ist es eigentlich mein Plan den Schlauch mit einem Gurt am Rahmen zu befestigen, jedoch habe ich Zweifel wenn es dabei um den “Schutz” des Schlauches geht. Vor Dreck und allem kann ich ihn ja beispielsweise durch eine Tüte schützen, aber tut die Sonne dem Schlauch was? Denkt ihr, dass er die pralle Sonne aushält oder geht das nicht?
If you take replacement hose, you pack it as one of the first parts.
I don’t know how you want to take care of yourself. But if you don’t even have room for a hose, you can also “tank” water or food.
The only reasonable reason to pack a wheel so marginally is a move to another apartment. 😉
The hose keeps it off. The heat anyway as well as the UV radiation. Only the age makes him worse, but for so long you didn’t want to drive. And a replacement hose becomes so old, one has plates.
Dog-Kack-Beutel are black or green and thicker than a fresh bag.
Bet that he still fits under your saddle!
Hose and repair tool is basically in my handlebar bag, next to the first aid pack. I don’t know.
Lighter stuff is in my luggage pockets at the front, possibly with gopro equipment, heavier in baggage pockets at the back, and at the top of it tent and sleeping bag.
Biwak or air mattress I needed, clothes as a base have always been enough for me.
Water bottles, normal approx 10L, if necessary also up to 30L water, once again passes through the mountainous gum desert and 2x 10 hours at 5-15km/h no water in sight, on the entire wheel and on my back. Total weight of luggage then about 50Kg. I’ve already been driving larger distances. It’s difficult, but not impossible. Oh, yeah, I’m just going to Israel where I live.
But hose fixed somewhere? Never with me.
I think the hose can hold this