Fahrradrahmen verbogen?
Würdet ihr sagen das mit dem roten Kreis makiertem Teil ist verbogen?
Würdet ihr sagen das mit dem roten Kreis makiertem Teil ist verbogen?
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Warum soll man Downhill Fahrrad oder Enduro Fahrrad nicht mit Schlauch fahren? Nur tubeless.
Since you are not exact type Your bike you have to go to a shop yourself, exactly this bike (Type / vintage /…) has been standing, and self looking / comparing.
You can google pictures – we can’t.
My bike:Canyon Strive AL 6.0 2017
From the frame of exactly the perspective I need to compare there is unfortunately not.
Oh hurt ..the karl again..
Just write canyon ne Mail with the pictures!? The manufacturer should be able to judge it best!?
Do you understand the meaning behind the question here?
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any meaningful pictures, so you can still walk into a bike store.
A single photo I had seen, unfavourably no light in the area.
Such “locks” are often used for stability.
As I suspected – thank you for the supplement.
The “Delle” was also at the other bike I had, which seemed so wanted by work.
Thanks but I’m actually quite comfortable 😉
Man! 💡
I just fell in….we have exactly the same bike(same frame)as well,only with Fox components.I just see if it is there.
I did. Even more enlarged in the image processing program.
You can still take photos (without a red circle) other perspectives yes, look not too much.
From below you can try, I’m afraid that’s the lower strut in the way. But definitely take a picture.
Build the HR and take photos directly on the supposed dents with different angles.
Take a look at my picture, then the quality is better. Or should I make another perspective?
That it is so OK – a factory-related stiffening.
Maybe you can check it on the other side, seen from below.
From above you can’t see it because the bump of the brake caliper is welded.
But I only see a bad picture, so my statement is to be interpreted with reservation.
What do you mean it looks good for me?
I made the unfavorable photo brighter in the image processing program – with great reservation – it looks good for you.
In this photo, I can’t see anything unusual.
I find the place that is circled, a dent shows up there on the inside, and isn’t as straight as the other side,or do I just see that?
If you don’t get any problems with the brake disc, it’s okay. It’s very sensitive as far as we’re concerned. The wheel axle has to be inclined only to a minimum, then it starts to fiep immediately.
Is it the other side,not the side with the brake disc
The axis goes through. If the two axle mounts do not agree, i.e. an axle mount no longer sits where it belongs, the whole wheel sits slopingly within the frame. The brake disc is no longer sitting straight and squeaking.
I don’t see any difference either.
I mean the inside of the area that’s circled. In the inside is a dent
looks for me as if it had been like this at work. if on the other seed too, it is desired
At the place frames like to call “knick”
On the other hand, I can’t see it, because the brake is sitting there.
just look from below, there should be the same bend. the brake caliper sits on top and not on top
or view images from the manufacturer of the frame on the net, then you should also be smarter through
It looks the same on the left. Seems to be wanted.
I mean the inside of the area that’s circled. In the inside is a dent
No, that’s so wanted!