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3 years ago

turn in the other direction — left pedal has left thread.

3 years ago

It’s hard to say from a distance.

But if you are no longer able to unscrew and replace the pedals because this is stuck, I would call/visit a workshop of a bicycle dealer. They’ll get it back.

3 years ago

Bike dealers are picking this up for you.

3 years ago

The pedals are mirror-transmitted.
The right side has a right thread, the left side a Links of entry,
so that the pedals cannot be released when pedaling.

3 years ago
Reply to  iamaplayboy

have you been coming?

3 years ago

If you can turn the Inbus round You try to hit a matching multi-tooth nut or Torx Nuss into the round hexagon socket with a hammer and then release the pedal in the right direction. On the right of the drive side, the pedal has a normal right thread (so the pedal is released counterclockwise) on the left it has a left thread (resolved it clockwise)

Or remove the pedal from the pedal axis, then tighten it firmly into a large rocket and then with the hand on the pedal crank try to release the pedal from the axle by turning in the right direction.