Fahrradmitnahme erst ab 9 Uhr bei den Wiener Linien erlaubt, welche Strafe droht mir wenn ich es davor mitnehme?
wie meine Frage schon oben lautet: Wie hoch ist die Strafe wenn ich mein Fahrrad vor 9 Uhr in die Ubahn der Wiener Linien mitnehme?
Vielen Dank für die Antworten!
LG Senfto
Some subway drivers then ask you to get off again – and don’t drive until you do.
In this case, the other passengers will be able to convince you to get out.
Thank you, I’ll take the train. Although a way around is better than to cycle more distance to the meeting point in order then to have to cycle further from there.
I can confirm 100%. Experienced several times.
Yarned with kind words like “I’m already at work, get out or we’re standing there forever”
Will be the same ticket as driving without a question card.
You’ll be thrown out and you’ll be standing by the bike.