Fahrradführerschein in Führerschein nachtragen?

Hallo zusammen,

in der vierten Klasse den Fahrradführerschein bestanden und nun, einige Jahre später auch meinen Autoführerschein.

Jetzt wollte ich mal fragen, ob ich auch meinen Fahrradführerschein hinten, auf diese Plastikkarte vom Autoführerschein schreiben lassen kann.

Außerdem wäre es gut zu wissen, ob ich den Fahrradführerschein immer bei mir tragen muss, wenn ich mit dem Radl unterwegs bin.

Vielen Dank im Voraus.

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2 years ago

The driver’s license serves only to teach basic students the most basic rules in road transport. So it’s just as valuable as a document from the Bundesesjugendspiele

2 years ago

Since the bicycle does not provide driving licence rights to its driver, you do not need a driving licence. That’s why you can’t let it go.

This was more about learning the basic rules in road traffic.


2 years ago


You don’t need a driving license for cycling. And you can’t let that go.

The thing you do in the 4th. Class is more like a toy. Is just as much value as the certificate of participation in the summer festival children competition in the city park.

2 years ago

No, you don’t. Cycling can be done without

2 years ago

No, you don’t need a biking license. I was wondering at the town hall in the city and they said there was no such thing.

2 years ago

You know the bike license is a joke for children?

2 years ago

that would be new

Your bike license is not official, you can put it under your pillow at home.