Fahrradfahren – fahrt ihr mit Helm?
Ich fahre eigentlich mit Helm, aber der rutscht voll und ist voll unangenehm 🙁
Fahrt ihr mit Helm oder ohne?
Herzliche Grüße,
Ich fahre eigentlich mit Helm, aber der rutscht voll und ist voll unangenehm 🙁
Fahrt ihr mit Helm oder ohne?
Herzliche Grüße,
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But only since 2015. at work an accident happened at the time when an employee with the bike crashed in rails on the way (we have still laid rails from earlier). Since then we have only been allowed to drive with helmet.
I got used to it. If I take a bike tour with friends or family, I always drive with helmet, on small tours quickly to the village or so mostly not.
Since I’ve been driving with a helmet, I realize that I’ve been driving more openly on road. Sure, I’ll stick to the rules and things, but my behaviour has become more “cracker” or more energetic if you can say that. 😀
of a duty for helmets in cyclists, however, I look knit. Everyone should be allowed to decide on this. On the one hand, fewer people would get on the bike, which leads to more people going to the city centre again for little things by car.
Always with helmet. And if I only turn three circles in front of the house to set the saddle height. The helmet has saved my life 1-2 times and I have already seen what can happen without a helmet at work (rescue service).
Then you should put a matching helmet.
I hardly notice that I’m wearing the helmet.
Haven’t worn any earlier.But since I live in a “cyclists castle” I wear a helmet during cycling. In the beginning I was looking for a suitable and especially good looking wheel helmet. But I also have golfers who wear a helmet in Freiburg almost every 2 or 3 cyclists. So no one looks at you strangely when you wear a helmet.In a small town you are more likely to catch up with it. Today I’m about it. But the helmet should fit and look good, only then you wear it regularly. Who has already seen wheel accidents knows what helmets can use
.A clear YES to helmet!!
Clear JEIN. To work with, leisure usually without.
Safe is safe;) Life is precious.
Even if I drive MTB or BMX or Dirt or whatever. Downhill then also Fullface and Protection and Neckbrace
I know you should… but…
If your helmet slips and the like, really have the wrong size, btw..
hm, actually like driving without helmet but sometimes you still have to._. I believe
Yeah, always. And if your helmet slips or wobbles: you can adjust it!
I tried:(I just get a new idk
Depending on the season, thin cap or multifunctional cloth tend to head. Then the helmet is more comfortable.
Yes I’m driving IMMER with helmet… don’t want to get a seat wound😂
Can I understand 😂😅
“but the slides full “
Then it’s the wrong size.
All right. but unpleasant it is anyway, not just because of slipping
Bike drivers are the parasites of the road