Fahrrad verstecken?

Ich habe Streit mit meinem Nachbarn, welcher auch ein polizeiliches Verfahren mit sich zieht.

Die Sorge ist nun mein Fahrrad.

Wir haben einen Radschuppen, in dem alle ihre Fahrräder abstellen können.

Heute berichtete mir ein Nachbar, dass sein Fahrrad aus dem Keller geklaut wurde.

Die Frage ist jetzt, welcher Ort ist wohl besser für mein Fahrrad. Der Keller, oder der Schuppen?

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2 years ago

The neighbor might get out of revenge on the wheel. He knows what mine is.

And the other neighbor put his bike in the basement and it was stolen.

Okay. Then the question arises: Do you only have the possibility to place it in a shared bicycle cellar (which is obviously not sure) or do you also have a cellar space that you can close separately? – Then that would be a possibility.

If you don’t want to take the bike to the apartment, you wrote that in a comment.

2 years ago

Even better in the apartment if possible.

Or leave insurance.

2 years ago

If something was stolen in the basement, either better security measures like camera or you prefer to put it in the shed.

Good luck with your neighbor

2 years ago

The moon. You can steal something from both. And what does the neighbor have to do with it?

2 years ago

In your lockable basement compartment or in your apartment.

2 years ago
Reply to  FallafelXtreme

That’s stupid. Maybe you can get a GPS tracker?

2 years ago

There is not only lamp or valves on a bicycle…

2 years ago

The memory.

2 years ago

Your apartment

2 years ago
Reply to  FallafelXtreme

Bad. Then your cellar room