Fahrrad geiler machen?
Hallo Zusammen ich bin gerade dabei mein MTB bischen um zu bauen, damit es geiler aussieht und weiß nicht was ich ändern könnte um es schöner im Design aussehen zu lassen, hätte jemand Tipps ?
So sieht es derzeit aus
Changing color is a NoGo anyway, because with it the warranty expires and you can see that it was made self-made. If you make it professional, you will certainly pay more than it is worth the bike.
What would be a brand with horny tires and thanks for your help!!
If you drive downhill then look for Schwalbe Magic Mary “BronzeSkin”.
If you’re not so much on the ground, look for Schwalbe NobbyNick “BronzeSkin”.
As a shop I would recommend bike-components.de.
This is not so expensive, even a little more expensive paintings usually cost not more than a few hundred euros.
I would not spend more than 150 euro
It always depends on how expensive it should be, but for 150€ you will surely get a simple monochrome painting. In the case of carbon frames, however, this can become quite expensive.
Thank you
I’ll send you a link on occasion
Thank you
Fox Factory suspension Automatic=Geiles Bike Geiler Fun Tires Can Stay But If You Need New Conti Crossking Or Trail King And Geile Pedals
Thank you
Something color makes it cool especially at night – with Glow in the Dark Color