Fahrrad gangschaltung eingefrore?

Bei mein Fahrrad schaltet die gangschaltung nicht mehr es hat über Nacht gefroren wenn es wärmer wird schaltet die dann normal wieder oder was kann man tun das die wieder richtig schaltet?

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2 months ago

Be careful, in my experience, it’s more of a stray salt that good-meaning people sprinkle against frost on the road that destroys our chain circuits.

A spray can with “WD 40” I would recommend that I have always been ready for use in my bicycle shed, it is a worldwide proven creeping oil with grate release properties.

My good advice therefore, better not to sprinkle salt anymore, instead I take lime-granulat that I can sweep up afterwards and still spread as a lawn fertilizer.

2 months ago

All moving parts lubricate.

2 months ago

Yes, if it gets warmer, it works again.

No, I don’t know what you can do, because I don’t know what kind of circuit you have and what you trust. hub circuits are sensitive to cold but unfortunately not easy to wait.

2 months ago
Reply to  Leon18344009

Well, that makes it easy. What to do more often in winter:

  • Rub the chain with an old cloth clean
  • pull the lobe between the tooth rings.
  • also make the small wheels clean in the gear
  • All this took minutes. Now oil comes on the tab when it’s still usable. With the oil you rub the chain. It’s always too much. After a round, excess oil should be removed again. It only collects dirt.
  • And now finally to the circuit. The rear gear has a lot of small joints. There is also a drop of oil on each.
  • The shift also deserves where it disappears in the shells and returns a few drops of oil.

You can take mechanic oil from the grocery store. I’ll take engine oil.

Sounds like a lot of work, but if you’re used to it, everything takes 15 minutes together.

2 months ago
  1. Electronic circuit / battery?
  2. Chain connection manually?
  3. manual hub shift?
  4. hub electrical?
  5. Didn’t cycle long?
  6. Bicycle not maintained?
2 months ago
Reply to  Leon18344009

My bike hangs in a wooden hut in the garden.

At these temperatures, I also notice when it was not moved a few days that the drive is stubborn, no more.

All fat and oil are tough, but then everything goes “as lubricated”. But it’s okay when switching.

I care for my bike so that the fun does not remain on the track.

2 months ago

properly lubricate, keep clean, mate even used frost protection, in the past there were also “painting nipples” in the cable sheath, but no one is building up today….

2 months ago

Clean and fat!