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1 year ago

With the appropriate air pump.

French valve pumping

Pumping on a French valve is a bit more complicated than other tires. At the same time, it is comparatively easy because no resistance of a sealing body has to be overcome here. It is important to place the pump exactly, since the valve can otherwise bend.

Remove the closure cap from the valve.

Turn the small nut on the valve, but without exerting pressure from above, otherwise the air escapes from the hose.

The pump should always sit on the valve. In a pump with fixing lever, the secure hold is ensured. You should also make sure that the pump is pushed far enough over the valve so that the knurled nut does not stick in the sealing rubber and the pumping up is made more difficult.

When pumping, make sure that the valve does not shake too much back and forth, otherwise it can bend.

Adjust the pressure to the route to be traveled. The maximum tire pressure is always noted on the jacket. The higher the pressure, the lower the rolling resistance. This also reduces the comfort.

1 year ago

Simply press and pump an air pump with a bicycle valve (the smaller one of the two of them) until the tire hardly yields at pressure with the thumb.

1 year ago

There are on Youtube Tuturiols how to do this make you smart on Youtube 😊
