Fahrprüfung ab einem bestimmten Alter?

Seid ihr für regelmäßige Fahrprüfungen für ältere Leute. Es passieren ja immer öfters Unfälle, wie dieser hier: https://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/unfall-olympia-einkaufszentrum-oez-auto-1.5751916

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2 years ago


This is not a matter of age for me. I am, for example, 32 and can no longer drive safely (and do not do so).

What I think would be useful (because it is necessary to extend the driver’s license) a brief assessment by the attending physician that there are no doubts. If you have pre-disorders, then if necessary by the specialist. However, without this becoming a matter of several hundred euros. Accidents occur with young drivers. Be it also uncertainty, self overestimation etc.

For my driver’s license, I used an ophthalmic report and a medical examination. I’ve both been running over a work physician. The ophthalmic examination was quite extensive, but the general part was a joke. My AG paid a proud sum for this.

As a supplement: If there are concrete doubts, the rideability can be doubted.

2 years ago

Most and most serious accidents are not caused by older people, but by people of age as by the questioner.

2 years ago
Reply to  menzinga

Don’t stand in your profile. It was more likely that you would like to order a senior citizen as a young person. Your question above is more likely to ask people who don’t trust the old people to drive. I’ll be 70 and drive regularly. Last year 1000 km to Lake Garda.

2 years ago

I don’t want to say that elders don’t happen to accidents. At some point, everyone isn’t with the thing or is overestimated. Politics has to do with Ukraine. Otherwise, a politician would have had the subject on the screen. I also have all vehicle classes and had to be an idiot test every 5 years. That’s good and good. I’m not driving a truck and BUS anymore. That’s why the whole bullshit rests. 7,5t is enough if it should be needed. But I reject a lump sum. I’ve been able to see that it would be better for some to leave the FE. Just in the country with 4 km to the EDEKA it is so that you need something like that or to the doctor. They are now to be released from their obligation to remain silent and may report to the driver’s position if driving is no longer to take place. Anyway, I think we know what we’re talking about.

2 years ago

This question is a typical discrimination by an age group which causes far more and heavier accidents and which obviously belongs to the FS as well as the older road users who are so happy to be killed.

But what I think is useful for all road users would be a vision test. And it should take place no later than 10 years and then take place no later than when the driving licence is renewed. The visual force changes more often than some or some who sit behind the wheel want to stand in. That this makes sense can be seen by the fact that the extension of a truck driver license also includes an eye test. This should also apply to drivers.

2 years ago
Reply to  menzinga

To confuse gas and brake pedals is not really to be attributed to a particular age group. All ages are quite balanced.

And yes, this question is discrimination. And it is rather and like to be set up by younger road users, because of older people. Anyone who realizes that he should not drive anymore usually stops by himself. It doesn’t always have to be the “hard cut” of the driving license drop.

There are also people who are already 40 years old or old pensioners. To claim that you are also a pensioner is not an argument to legitimize this claim.

2 years ago

Sure. Together with a mandatory exam every 2 months for all under 30 – this group is risk factor #1.

But why stop here? Aggression management seminars for all AMG drivers, blinker training for all BMW owners and a “how do I get my vehicle out of the intake tract of a lobster?” – Course for all SMART drivers.

2 years ago

As soon as the physical or mental fitness is in doubt, a new test may be required.

2 years ago

Aren’t there any accidents with younger drivers? Certainly, they just don’t get into the media so often, unless there’s dead.

2 years ago

Well, then, in return, the driving licence-entry age would have to… hm? … 30?

2 years ago
Reply to  FunnyFanny

. An interesting consideration. :