Fahrlehrerin gesucht!?


Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer Fahrschule, die zu empfehlen ist? Hat jemand gute Erfahrungen? Würde auch gerne bei einer Fahrlehrerin meinen Führerschein machen. Falls jemand Vorschläge hat, gerne schreiben, danke.

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2 years ago

Since I don’t know where you live, I can’t recommend driving school. I made my driver’s license, but I don’t think you live near me.

But you could search for driving schools in your area on the Internet. You’ll see the reviews. In addition, the driving instructors are presented at most driving schools on the website. You see if there’s a driving instructor.

I hope I could help you a little.

2 years ago

How far are you ready to go to the driving school?

without location is difficult to answer your question