Fahrlehrer Prüfung?
Hallo leute und zwar ich hatte heute Prüfung und bin leider wegen meinen Fahrlehrer durchgefallen weil er mich nicht gut genug vorbereitet hat. Das Prüfgebiet kannte ich schon wir sind 2-3 mal gefahren alles gut nun ist da eine Straße eine Fußgängerzone was man nicht reinfahren darf mein Fahrlehrer hat mir das nie erwähnt und meinte immer links abbiegen manchmal testet er mich auch an manche stellen das konnte er doch kurz vor der Prüfung auch machen oder erwähnen ich bezahle ihn ja auch dafür das er mir alles beibringt. Wie würdet ihr das einsehen wer ist der Schuld
You’ve got teaching material from the driving school, with which you can learn all the theoretical questions independently. If you’ve done this so that you know all the traffic signs and their meaning, the driving instructor does not have to explain to you that you can’t go in there.
If you didn’t know the meaning because you didn’t learn everything, you were not ready to run a motor vehicle independently.
If you missed it, it was your fault.
The driving instructor could not be allowed to report you to the test, although you were not ready to do so. However, according to the contract, the application only goes with your consent so that it would have been your task to ask for a postponement.
If you had passed the test on a different route, you might have gone by car to this pedestrian zone. Then you can’t call that your instructor didn’t tell you.
Even if you have your driver’s license, you’ll still have to inform yourself about any newly introduced traffic signs or changed traffic rules.
You learned the traffic rules and signs. If you want to ignore a sign and drive into a pedestrian zone, is that whose fault? You should be able to answer the question yourself.
If you want to get the driver’s license, you have to be able to drive anywhere and not just where your driver’s been driving with you.
No one is guilty. Both have had bad luck. The driver’s teacher now learns from it and next time can prepare his test subjects better. This also increases his knowledge of -> professional experience.
I can’t judge if you were fit enough for the driving test. Your driving instructor was obviously this opinion.
If you have the driver’s license, you have to be able to drive anywhere, not only where (intentionally) the test takes place and where you have previously traveled with the instructor.
If there is a pedestrian zone in which you cannot drive in, there is also a sign. And you should see that and know the meaning when you want the driver’s license. You can’t rely on one of the driving instructors never said that.
What would be, for example, at a place where one was always allowed to go through during the entire driving training and which, however, is today (on the day of the test) blocked for construction work? That’s what you’d have to know when you’re testing yourself.
Anyone who is guilty also doesn’t matter anyway, because it doesn’t change that you need to repeat the exam again.
I’m 100% sure it’s obvious that you don’t have to go in there.
You’ll go through a lot of places where your driving instructor hasn’t prepared you later. You have to see what you can and what you can’t.
Guilty is always different, it’s clear. Despite the pedestrian street sign, you’re in a street and you’re going through.
Thus, a pedestrian zone is usually corresponding to signs or Traffic signs.
If you ignore the signs as a driver, no third party can be guilty of it.
Only who takes responsibility for his own mistakes should also get a driver’s license. Hopefully you haven’t.
If you knew as a tester all the traffic signs would be interested in me there is something like Nervösita you can then forget everything you can
Fear is stupid. I had no one and of course I knew the signs and rules.
Of course, as a student, I knew all the traffic signs. Normally, you’d have to repeat the theory check. Good thing you didn’t pass, I’m just saying.
I also knew 95%. That was enough.
Yes otherwise I would not have passed the theoretical examination except with luck in the hope that the shield will not be interrogated. Therefore, of course, I have learned all the signs to be prepared no matter which sign is asked in the exam.
You’re guilty.
You know the traffic sign, and if you’re in there anyway, it’s really not your driving instructor’s fault.
Anyone who gets the driver’s license should be able to drive independently. Even in areas where you’ve never practiced before.
Your fault!
You have passed the theory and should therefore know all traffic signs and rules.
You’re driving a license in areas where you’ve never been. And that without a driving instructor. Nevertheless, you have to do everything right.
You’re guilty. If you don’t even know that you’re not allowed to drive in the pedestrian zone, you shouldn’t give a ticket, never.
did you shoot the dock or the driving instructor?
Why is that called the pedestrian zone; it is precisely that, if there are times for suppliers, there must not be any.
so grab your own nose.