Passenger attendant on the ICE?
Would you do something like that (long-term)?
Would you do something like that (long-term)?
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The employers with bad jobs are always looking for employees. That’s what Rail is. There are no trainers, cleaners, workshop staff (…).
Who wants to work there? I think a lot of work, little time / much pressure.
When cleanliness of the trains and the amount of defective toilets and doors/climate, you can assume that there are many places unoccupied and staff do not come behind.
Who wants to do a job where you’re just being driven? If then work correctly, but web saves.
I don’t think the job’s gonna last long. But that’s how it goes
In ICE more than in local traffic. In local transport, more black drivers are in part aggressive. In ICE, you know that you are always controlled.
Basically, that wouldn’t be a job for me. Driving all day train (now also with mask) would not be mine.
If it were the alternative to unemployment, it would be acceptable.
Yeah, that’s still better than no one. In local transport, especially in the evenings, it is also very popular. The later the evening, the better the guests fit here. However, the advantage of local transport would be that you do not have to sleep anywhere else.
I think the most stressful situation is the ticket control. But you also have other tasks.
You should be aware that a passenger car manager only exists in ICE in the 1 class. Usually only for single children.
Train attendant can be quite funny. Depends on how to get on it. I grew up in the Berlin border area. 😄The problem is not the money. That’s bullshit, the problem is the layers.
Who comes from the normal layer, doesn’t know how it is to be released in the week. In order to be able to do ways, not take the doctor free. And where please is the difference who doesn’t go to church on Sunday, you can’t care. Whether you go Monday or Sunday.
Of course you have 9 hours.(45min break, which can also become much more in such jobs.) Must stay at the hotel in the FV for early shifts.
Has a longer working path (tax 8h from home. Way money/powder cover which is significantly increased at T 10)
But what is gathering on holiday
A bsp 3 days free, 3 days work, 2 days free. What if you can count on a cut of 5/3 makes 5 days free 3 days vacation makes eight days free.
Do not take 5 WE, 7 free.
A few years before the end of working life, such a question no longer arises.
What if you were younger?
Rather not – too badly paid at too much absence from home.
Better paid even worse and then still shift service.
You can also work in local transport.
In my opinion, it is really relatively badly paid and you are constantly on the move and therefore often away from home. In addition, you have to work on weekends and holidays. Besides, such a profession would be nothing for me, I am a craftsman and must do something with the hands or touch, screw or repair. A job in the railway/professional industry would be nothing for me at all.
I don’t know how the payment is, so I can’t evaluate this point. But I feel jobs with direct customer contact as extremely strenuous. And on the train, you get the briged frustration and have to justify things you can’t do. Absolutely nix for me.
I often drive ICE Kassel Wilhelmshöhe-Frankfurt, and I often see train attendants only chasing through the corridors. I wondered what they’re doing.
They’re holding the head when it gets tough. I always find it superb to suggest someone would create nix just because you don’t see what they do from the outside.
The German railway is stately. You’re practically beamed and inconvenient.
I’d do it right away.
The inconvenient is the great advantage.
You don’t deserve bad.
You haven’t been beamed for a long time.
Train is private. No more public service. Post and phone, water, electricity is all private.
Being too stressful
Why? Nervige passengers? The fact that you often have to sleep out?
I hate railing xD
Of course. In Stuttgart, rail traffic hasn’t been running since days because a single overhead was defective.
I have a car.
And the train attendants get the frustration when trains are late.