Driving a scooter without coolant?
What would happen if you drove for a longer period of time, about 5 months, without cooling water
What would happen if you drove for a longer period of time, about 5 months, without cooling water
Hey guys. When I turn 18 in April and get my driver's license, I won't be able to afford a car right away. Can you tell me approximately how much extra my mom would have to pay for comprehensive insurance to list me as the driver on her car?
Good bye I wanted to jump start my girlfriend's car, but unfortunately something went wrong. The battery started to drain and the car wouldn't start anymore. I just noticed that the fuse on the positive terminal right at the front has blown, but only one. The other one is intact. Should I be worried that…
I'm currently getting my motorcycle license and yesterday I got caught in a heavy rain shower. My helmet visor was covered in rain. Is there anything you can put on the visor to make it easier for the wind to run off 🤔?
What happens if I get caught riding an e-scooter and I'm only 14 years old? Do I have to pay a fine or what?
Hey, I have a question regarding commercial leasing; Is it possible for my father to have the car registered through the company, so to speak, as a company car, and for me to use it even though I don't work for the company? So, in short, I want to lease a vehicle through commercial leasing….
Hello, I'd like to buy a car soon, a BMW E90 318i. However, through research, I've seen that some people are reporting problems with things like the timing chain, which is a bit off-putting. Others, on the other hand, say they've been driving the car for a very long time without any problems, which is…
You can’t even drive 5 minutes without cooling water. The engine is so hot that everything is jammed and finally eats…
This is followed by engine scrap in 5 minutes or earlier, depending on full gas use…
These types of vehicles normally have air cooling and do not require water coolers.
the engine overheats and breaks
The engine is over after a few minutes.